Capital League

Your wealth
deserves a specialist

Our extensive private banking experience and financial services expertise provide the required specialist support needed to help you maximise the full potential of your wealth.

We are a 25-member team headed by seasoned private bankers and are India’s only, all-women boutique wealth management firm. We have built deeply valued and enduring relationships with our client families. We add value by helping our clients grow, protect, and enjoy their wealth while building lasting legacies.

We are a 6-time winner of the prestigious CNBC TV18 Financial Advisor Award, a 3-time winner of the Triple-A, Asia award, and a 2-time winner of the Think Big Award. We have also been recognised by the United Nations WEP award amongst many others.

Capital League

Awards and Accolades

We are 6-time winner of the prestigious CNBC TV18 Financial Advisor Award, 2 times winner of Think Big award among many other accolades and recognition
SME Champions - Workplace

Capital League
UN Women India WEPs Awards

Best Boutique Wealth Manager

Capital League
The Asset Triple A Private
Capital Awards, Asia

Achievers Award

Promising Company
Capital League

Best Wealth Manager
Experience Award

Capital League
The Asset Triple A Private
Capital Awards, Asia

India's Top 100
Women In Finance

Vinita Idnani - Partner
Association Of International
Wealth Management


Sapna Narang -
Managing Partner
Million Dollar Round Table

Financial Advisor Awards

Best Performing Individual Financial
Advisor Award (Mega Cities-North)
Capital League

Association Of International
Wealth Management

Sapna Narang
- Managing Partner
India's Top 100 Women In Finance

Capital League

The Family CFO to
successful families

Successful Indian families are increasingly recognizing the value of a ‘Family CFO’ – an experienced guide, a financial coordinator and an advocate who would offer unbiased advice within the unique context of that family’s circumstances and goals.

As the ‘Family CFO’, Capital League allows its clients the opportunity to continue doing what they do best: building wealth, pursuing hopes, and living the life of their dreams.

Capital League

Our Journey

Since 2003 we have had the privilege of building long standing relationships with our client families and enhancing their financial well being.

Our Growth

28% year-on-year compounded growth.

Our Clients

250 multi-generational client family relationships built on empathy and trust.

Our Team

22 member all-women team of seasoned wealth management professionals.